Medication Management Made Easy

New Made Easy release! A clear explanation of medication management concepts and Joint Commission requirements across all health care settings (except laboratories). Perfect for those staff who are new to medication management and a helpful refresher for those with more experience in the field.

Release Date: January 15, 2022. 168 pages.

3 Star Rating from Doody’s Book Review Service!
Named as a Doody’s Core Title for 2022.

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$149.00 - $299.00
Medication Management Made Easy
  • Medication Management Made Easy
Product Description

Product Description

This first edition book from our popular “Made Easy” series provides the answers to the who, what, when, where, and why of Joint Commission standards for Medication Management (MM). Medication management is a complex and interdisciplinary process that involves virtually everyone in a health care organization. Medication Management Made Easy provides an in-depth look at the main components and issues in medication management to help clarify key concepts, provide probing assessment questions, and unpack terminology. Also included are downloadable tools to assist with the implementation of a medication management system appropriate to your setting and organization.

Medication Management Made Easy is a basic, practical guide for pharmacists and pharmacy staff, clinicians, staff educators, accreditation professionals, and other health care professionals who need to understand how to comply with Joint Commission MM standards and related requirements. Available in hard copy or as an individual e-book or digital site license, the book is perfect for individuals new to the medication management process, as well as experienced pharmacists mentoring new staff.

Key Topics:

  • Reducing medication variation, errors, and misuse
  • Using evidence-based practices to develop effective medication management processes
  • Managing processes to promote safe medication management throughout the organization
  • Standardizing medication equipment and handling processes across the organization
  • Monitoring processes to ensure and improve efficiency, quality, and safety related to medication use

Key Features:

  • Fast-read explanations—no heavy text to plow through
  • Clear, concise definitions of buzz words and jargon—in plain language that anyone can understand
  • Dozens of customizable tools, including checklists, tracer worksheets, policies, forms, and more
  • Easy-to-use, easy-to-reference organization of content—get what you need, when you need it

Standards: Medication Management (MM) and National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG)

Settings: Ambulatory Care, Assisted Living Community, Behavioral Health Care and Human Services, Critical Access Hospital, Home Care, Hospital, Office-Based Surgery, Nursing Care Centers

Health care professionals involved in the medication management process, including:

  • Pharmacists
  • Pharmacy technicians
  • Physicians and other prescribers
  • Nurses
  • Staff educators
  • Accreditation professionals
  • Leadership at various levels who support medication management

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